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chaz anthony

books by chaz:

1) Blacklisted  "workplace racism exposed"

2) Blacklisted 2 " the power of forgiveness"

3) The Faith of Abraham

4) The Road to Philadelphia(Joelle's story)

5) Crimefighter ( the power of KOGA) 

6) Rise Above Adversity

7) The Masking of America


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chaz anthony

chaz anthony's Latest Release

             Blacklisted I
"workplace racism exposed"
           by chaz anthony

Blacklisted is a fictional manuscript telling a compelling story of the realities that exist in both private and public workplaces. It is based on a true story. After experiencing the adverse effects of institutionalize covert racism, I was compelled to write..chaz anthony

" Bold, funny, and timely story of racism in the workplace....chaz anthony is a natural storyteller.           S.J. Claybon, MBA

"Blacklisted was one of the best books I've read this year. The writer lassoed me into an adventure where the characters on the pages came to life. I couldn't put it down until the end. I can't wait until the sequel"     
  Thaddus Jackson Sr

I read it in one sitting. It is an intriguing story about the casualties of the social injustices fostered in the workplace, and perpetuated by systemic racism. But, that is not the only powerful message underlying the text" Nana J.

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